Saturday 28 August 2010

Happy Birthday to me :)

Its my birthday today, so I'm now officially seventeen years old! Already (it's only 8:45 am) I've had about 13 messages telling me of this fact. And I've opened my pressies from my family cos I'm a total little kid and its impossible for me to wait. So I'm now the proud owner of tights, a charm for my bracelet, a scarf, 7 pairs of earrings and a scrapbooking kit. Win! I'm meeting my friends in about 2 hours for a day in town (probably going to my favourite art gallery) then to Pizza Hut...mmm :)
I keep getting told we have to get the pizza with the cheesy bites crust (my friends have sick minds) because we used to go there every single time we went to town and order the same thing, and cheesy bites got ridiculed, thrown in drinks etc. I'm surprised we didn't get banned for life.
I'm apparently the 'baby' of the group cos I'm the youngest so today I've invited my cousin Matt (who is 6 months younger than me) out with us, but apparently I'm still the baby. Joy.  This photo (above) was taken by me on my 16th, and it's one of my favourite photo's ever. 

and the one to the right> 
is my favourite photo ever
It was taken last year, a few days before my 16th at my family party and it's the last picture I have of my grandparents together. I love it.

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