Friday 13 August 2010

breaking the silence

Hey! apologies for my silence I've been in Edinburgh!! It was absolutely AMAZING. I love sightseeing, and Edinburgh is definitely one of the best places to do that. And it's sorta given me a new outlook. See during the plague, Edinburgh was practically destroyed, so they just built on top of it. So...why not apply that to life? take a bad situation, bury it and move on- start again. Okay, you cant run away from everything. But you can from the little things.
At the minute, I'm loving life. This year seems to have flown by and in 2 months time I should have  baby cousin!!. And in 15 days I'm finally 17, so I wont be the baby of the group any more. Well for 2 months any way, until the first of my friendship group turn 18. Drat.
I'm also loving Regina Spektor, especially her song 'The Call' Its amazing :) She's so talented as well. Any thoughts anyone?
Any way that's all for now so I promise not to be silent for so long again :D


  1. I totally love that song!!!

  2. It is a brilliant song, some of her other stuff is okay but nothing beats that one :D
