Thursday 14 October 2010

The Opposite of Chocolate

Okay, admittedly I picked up this book because of the cute cover. I mean, who can resist a book covered in smarties?
The book follows Sapphire, who has fallen pregnant at fourteen and tackles many issues such as teenage pregnancies, death, abortion, love and choices. For me, I couldn't understand Sapphire's parent's reactions. Okay, Sapphire is fourteen. She's messed up. She has made a mistake. But she has to grow up pretty quickly and having her mum pull her in one direction and her dad pull her the other isn't going to help a confused, scared little girl. In my opinion, that is the message of the book. Choice. How old it can be made effectively. How maybe a parents decision isn't best for you. How a rushed decision and little knowledge can have real consequences.
So, if you take anything away from this book, take away it's message about choice :)

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